Program Overview

Admission Eligibility Rules for Two Years of Master of Science in Information Technology (M.Sc.I.T.)

First YearSecond Year
Graduation to First SemesterFirst to Second SemesterSecond to Third SemesterThird to Fourth Semester
B.Sc. I.T. passedAny number of ATKT's in I SemesterAll clear in I and II Semesters OR not more than 2 ATKT's in I and II SemestersAny number of ATKT's in III Semester and not more than 2 ATKT's in I and II Semesters provided marksheet of IV Semester will be withheld until I and II Semester ATKT's are cleared

List of subjects for the Two Year M.Sc. Information Technology

First Year

(view syllabus)

I TermII Term
Data MiningMobile Computing
Distributed SystemAdvanced Computer Networks
Data Analysis ToolsCloud Computing and Ubiquitous System
Software TestingAdvanced Database Systems

Second Year

(view syllabus)

III TermIV Term
Embedded SystemArtificial Intelligence
Information Security ManagementIT Infrastructrure Management
Virtualization (Elective I)Computer Forensics (Elective I)
Ethical Hacking (Elective II)Cloud Management (Elective II)

Elective – I

I TermII Term
Parallel ProcessingDistributed Computing
Intelligent SystemsNeural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Digital Signal ProcessingEnterprise Networking

Elective – II

I TermII Term
Pattern RecognitionComputer Vision
System SecurityVirtual Reality and Virtual Environment
Multimedia Systems and Convergence of TechnologiesJava Technology