Program Overview

About the Course – B.Com. Accounting & Finance Course

B.Com. Accounting and Finance is a 3-year full-time undergraduate programme premised on the concept of accounting which ultimate results in practice, hence consequently seeks to develop application-oriented, problem solving and analytical skills in students. Our department offers in-depth knowledge in accounting and finance subjects by different means such as seminars, projects, practical training, industrial visits, conferences, expert talks, case studies etc. along with classroom teaching by qualified and experienced teachers.

The programme helps students to acquire knowledge in the field of Accounting, Taxation, Auditing, Management, Financial Accounting, Managerial Economics, Business Law and Business Communication. The main aim of the program is to increase self-employment by developing students as suitably trained professionals in the field of accounting and finance.

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Our vision is “Education for All”. To fulfil our vision, we welcome students from diverse backgrounds irrespective of region, religion, caste, economic strata and academic performance.


Give quality education by maintain high standards of teaching.

Make the students time and market relevant, globally competent, morally upright and socially responsible citizens.

B.Com. A&F Curriculum

F.Y. B.Com. A&F Sem I & II
S.Y. B.Com. A&F Sem III & IV
T.Y. B.Com. A&FSem V & VI