List of Paper Published - Annexure No - XIV
Publications by Faculty
Text Book Authored
Author Theme Class Publisher Year of Publication ISBN No. Dr. Rinkoo Shantnu Environmental Science F.Y.B.F.M. (SEM II) Vipul Prakashan 2015 978-93-85800-45-0 Prof. Prerna Sharma Organization Behavior and HRM S.Y.B.M.S. (SEM III) Vipul Prakashan 2015 978-93-84137-86-1 Recruitment and Selection Vipul Prakashan 2015 978-93-84137-94-6 Motivation and Leadership Vipul Prakashan 2015 978-93-84137-95-3 Strategic Management Sheth Publication 2015 978-93-5149-261-0 Business Planning and Entrepreneurship Development S.Y.B.M.S. (SEM IV) Sheth Publication 2015 978 - 93- 5149 -440-9 Integrated Marketing Communication Sheth Publication 2015 978-93-5149-444-7 Training and Development Vipul Prakashan 2015 978-93-85800-31-3 Change Management Vipul Prakashan 2015 978-93-85800-46-7 Productivity and Quality Management Vipul Prakashan 2015 978-93-85800-37-5 Business Environment – 2nd Edition – SEM II Vipul Prakashan 2015 978-93-84537-96-8 Prof. Kavita Baddi Financial Accounting Paper V T.Y.B.Com. Accounting & Finance (SEM V) Sheth Publication 2015-16 978-93-5149-272-6 Financial Accounting Paper VI T.Y.B.Com. Accounting & Finance (SEM VI) Sheth Publication 2015-16 978-93-5149-407-2 Dr. Gajanan Wader Direct Taxes – II T.Y.B.Com. Accounting & Finance (SEM –VI) Sheth Publication 2015-16 978-93-5149-411-9 Introduction to Cost Accounting S.Y.B.M.S. (SEM II) Thakur Publisher 2015-16 Taxation S.Y.B.Com. Accounting & Finance (SEM IV) Sheth Publication 2015-16 Financial Management F.Y.B.Com. Accounting & Finance (SEM II) Sheth Publication 2015-16 978-93-83681-01-3 Prof. Jennie Prajith Introduction of Financial System F.Y.F.M. (Sem I) Vipul Prakashan 2015-16 978-93-84537-41-8 Prof. Bhavana Parab Accounting for Managerial Decisions S.Y.B.M.S. (Sem III) Sheth Publication 2015-16 978-93-5149-256-6 Paper Published in Journals by Faculty
2015-162014-15Name of the Faculty Title with Page No. Journal ISSN / ISBN Whether peer reviewed No. of Co-authors Whether you are main author Dr. Rinkoo Shantnu Smart Cities in India: Turning Challenges into Opportunities International Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Aadhar Social Research & Development Training Institute, Amravati, India, January, 2016 Peer Reviewed None Yes Dr. Aarti Sukheja Inclusive Growth through Women Entrepreneurship in the context of India International Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Aadhar Social Research & Development Training Institute, Amravati, India, January, 2016 Peer reviewed None Yes Prof. Prerna Sharma Perception of loans by youth Digital INDIA: Road Ahead, December, 2015 Pg. 69 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer Reviewed None Yes Prof. Nithya Varghese A Comparative Analysis On Management Of NPA’S By SBI And IDBI. Digital INDIA: Road Ahead, December, 2015 Pg. 74 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer reviewed None Yes Prof. Rashmi Vagadurgi Digital Infrastructure: Connecting Nation with Digital Ray Digital INDIA: Road Ahead, December, 2015 Pg. 35 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer Reviewed None Yes Prof. Sunita Saini Digital India: Digital Banking is the Road to Digital India Digital INDIA: Road Ahead, December, 2015 Pg. 42 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer reviewed None Yes Prof. Kavita Baddi Management of Non Performing Assets with particualr reference to SBI Digital INDIA: Road Ahead, December, 2015 Pg. 47 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer reviewed 1 Yes Prof. Keekan Priyesh Raghavan Teaching with technology: Overhauling the Indian Education system through Digital Classroom Digital INDIA: Road Ahead, December, 2015 Pg. 85 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer reviewed None Yes Mrs. Sujata Shahabade Challenges in the Deployment of Broadband Highways Digital INDIA: Road Ahead, December, 2015 Pg. 89 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer reviewed None Yes Prof. Deepika Sharma Leveraging I.T. to Battle Corruption “A Tribute to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: India Vision 2020” pg 92 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer Reviewed None Yes Prof. Keekan Priyesh Raghavan ‘A Mesmerizing Soul of Indian Politics: A Tribute to Magnificent Abdul Kalam’ “A Tribute to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: India Vision 2020” pg.137 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer reviewed None Yes Prof. Sujata Shahabade Role of Young Generation in the vision 2020 “A Tribute to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: India Vision 2020” pg.157 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer reviewed None Yes Prof. Shraddha Kulkarni Language Translation for Social Application “A Tribute to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: India Vision 2020” pg.140 978-81- 926311-0-3 Peer reviewed None Yes Mrs. Kiran Deshmukh ‘A study of impact of training on the performance of employees of private sector banks in Navi Mumbai’ Online Peer Reviewed Inter-disciplinary, Multi-disciplinary, Multi-cultural Journal of Bharat College of Arts, Commerce, Badlapur, India, Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2015 (BCC-ISSN- 2278-8794) Peer reviewed None Yes Mrs. Monali Ray A study of the Growth in Health Insurance Business in India’ International Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Aadhar Social Research & Development Training Institute, Amravati, India, January, 2016 Peer reviewed None Yes Prof. Abida Khan Impact of Training Practices on the Employees performance of Logistics firms MNDC Journal of Arts & Science, Vol-01, Issue 2, June - January 2016 ISSN 2394-1480 Peer reviewed None Yes Prof. Shaikh Farhat “A Study on relationship between Job satisfaction and Motivation among employees in public sector banks in Mumbai Multidisciplinary National Research Journal, December 2015, Volume. VI, Issue: II, p.p. 282 – 286 Peer reviewed None Yes Mr. Sanjay Munavalli Cloud computing:A new avenue for information management in academic libraries In Sharma, A.Karn, S., and Das, B. In Current trends in Library & Information Science In Digital Era, Satyam, New Delhi, (pp. 64-73) - - None Yes Mr. Sanjay Munavalli Best Practices of PCACS Learning Resource Centre, New Panvel Waghchoure, S. S. In Best practices in Academic Libraries, ESS ESS, New Delhi, (pp.10-22) - - None Yes Mr. Sanjay Munavalli Inducing Information Literacy Skills To Explore Learning Resources KLA Research Journal, pp 12-14. ISSN: 0976-688X Peer reviewed None Yes Mr. Sanjay Munavalli Role of Information Literacy In Academic Libraries Research Streams in Library and Information Science (Impact Factor 2.1506 UIF), pp 35-40 ISSN: 2230-7850 Peer reviewed None Yes Mr. Sanjay Munavalli Fostering information literacy in higher education In Sakariya, K. and Parmar, S. (Ed), In Next Generation Librarianship
Proceedings of the 1st National Conference, C. U. Shah University, Wadhwan, Gujarat,
(pp. 233-238).ISBN: 978- 81-907055- 8-4 Peer reviewed None Yes Ms. Pooja Pandey A Survey Of Sentiment Classification Techniques Used For Indian Regional Languages International Journal on Computational Sciences & Applications (IJCSA) Vol.5, No.2, April 2015 page no. (13-26) Peer reviewed 1 Yes Ms. Pooja Pandey A Framework for Sentiment Analysis in Hindi using HSWN International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 119 – No.19, June 2015 pg. no. (23 to 26) (0975 – 8887) Peer reviewed 1 Yes Mrs. Jennie Prajith ‘Investment in retail Industry in India Foreign Direct Investment’ International Journal of Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (impact factor SJIF (2014) 4.889 ISSN -2319 -4766 Peer reviewed 1 Yes Name of the Faculty Title with Page No. Journal ISSN / ISBN Whether peer reviews / indexed / impact factor No. of Co-authors Whether you are main author Prof. Pooja Pandey Sentiment Analysis IJCSA - - - - Dr. Rinkoo Shantnu Gender-Wage Discrimination in India: Challenges Ahead, Pp.88- 96 Monthly Peer reviewed International Journal on Social Science, Commerce, Education & Language, September, 2014 ISS 22 78- 9308 Peer Reviewed None Yes Prof. Monali Ray Emerging Distribution channels of Life Insurance Business in India Pg. No. 5- 11 Monthly peer Reviewed International Journal on Social Science / commerce / education and language - September, 2014 ISSBN 2278- 9308 Peer Reviewed None Yes Prof. Monali Ray The Opportunities and Challenges of Real Estate Sector in India Pg. No. 55-65 Real Estate Development in India, March 2014 ISBN: 81- 89217- 07- 0 No None Yes Mrs. Kiran Deshmukh Do Performance Evaluation & performance based compensation as HR practices impacts employee satisfaction, commitment & retention International interdisciplinary peer reviews research journal on social science, commerce education and language ISSBN 2278- 9308 Peer Reviewed None Yes Prof. Prerna Sharma E-banking National Conference on Innovation a New paradise: For Business and Finance 978- 81- 92631 1- 0- 3 - 1 Yes Prof. Kavita Kathare Non- performing assests in Indian banks- an overview National Conference on Innovation a New paradise: For Business & Finance, 11/8/14 978- 81- 92631 1- 0- 3 1 No Prof. Nithya Varghese E-banking National Conference on Innovation a New paradise: For Business and Finance, 11/8/14 978- 81- 92631 1- 0- 3 - 1 No Prof. Shabab Rizvi A study of Indian – Iran Trade Relations 2001-2010 National Conference on Innovation a New paradise: For Business & Finance 11/8/14 978- 81- 92631 1- 0- 3 Yes Dr. K. M. Srinandini Devi Screening of keratinolytic bacteria from Feather dumping soil 130-141 International Research Journal Life Sciences ISSN 2347- 8691 Peer Reviewed 02 Yes Bhavana Parab Viral Marketing: A Powerful But Dangerous Marketing Tool National Conference on Innovations A New Paradise : For Business & Finance on 11th Aug, 2014 at PCACS, New Panvel ISBN 978- 81- 92631 1- 0- 3 - Yes Papers Published in Conference Proceedings by Faculty
Name of the Faculty Title with Page No. Details of Conference Publisher & ISSN / ISBN Whether peer reviewed No. of Co- authors Whether you are main author Bhavana Parab Role of Microfinance in Women Empowerment pg. no 121-134 International Conference on Women in Globalised Era on 11th Oct, 2014 K. C. Law College, Churchgate ISBN 978-93- 83072- 58-3 1 Yes Prerna Sharma Role of Microfinance in Women Empowerment pg. no 121-134 International Conference on Women in Globalised Era on 11th Oct, 2014 K. C. Law College, Churchgate ISBN 978-93- 83072-58-3 1 Yes Prerna Sharma E-banking National Conference on Innovation a New paradise: For Business & Finance ISBN 978- 81- 926311- 0- 3 BMS Dept, PCACS - 1 Yes Kavita Kathare Non- performing assests in Indian banks- an overview National Conference on Innovation a New paradise: For Business & Finance ISBN 978- 81- 926311- 0- 3 BMS Dept, PCACS, New Panvel 1 No Nithya Varghese E-banking National Conference on Innovation a New paradise: For Business & Finance ISBN 978- 81- 926311- 0- 3 BMS Dept, PCACS - 1 No Prof. Shabab Rizvi A study of Indian – Iran Trade Relations 2001-2010 National Conference on Innovation a New paradise: For Business & Finance ISBN 978- 81- 926311- 0- 3 BMS Dept, PCACS, New Panvel Yes Bhavana Parab Viral Marketing: A Powerful But Dangerous Marketing Tool National Conference on Innovations A New Paradise : For Business & Finance on 11th Aug, 2014 ISBN 978- 81- 926311- 0- 3 BMS Dept, PCACS, New Panvel - - Yes Sanjay Munavalli Need for Design & development of Web-based Library Instruction Programme pp. 390-396 UGC sponsored 2 days National Conference on Reshaping the Academic Libraries : Trends & Issues ISBN 978- 81- 92878- 607 - - Yes Sanjay Munavalli Best Practices adopted by PCACS Learning Resource Centre : An Overview UGC sponsored 2 days National Conference on Evolving Library as Resource Centre: Challenges & New Horizons ISBN 978- 93- 83342- 04- 4 - - Yes Prof. Monali Ray
- Presented a paper on "Role of Life Insurance Companies in India towards Inclusive Growth" at National Seminar on Economic Development and Environmental Issues organized by Mahatma Phule A.S.C College, Panvel.
- Presented a paper on "Education- Yardstick for Women Empowerment in India" at International Research Volume on Indian Economy published by Aadhar Social Development and Research Institute, Amravati.
- Presented a paper on "The Opportunities and Challenges of Real Estate Sector in India" at International Commerce and Management Conference on Re-inventing Trade, Commerce and Management in Global Scenario; Challenges and opportunities organised by The University Department of Commerce, Mumbai.
- Presented a paper on "Global Challenges and Opportunities of Bancassurance" in the International Commerce and Management Conference on Strategic Management in Global Scenario, Challenges and Opportunities organized by University Department of Commerce.
- Submitted a paper on "A Study of the Customer Service Management of Life Insurance Companies in India" in the 6th Annual Research Conference on Service Management-Global Environment organized by Kohinoor Business School Khandala.
Prof. Aarti Sukheja
- Presented a paper on "Impact of NREGA on the livelihood of rural poor with reference to selected states" at National Conference on Emerging Market Economies, organised by Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai.
- Presented a paper on "ICT Initiatives in Indian Agriculture for Rural Development" at International Conference on Information and Communication for Development-Reach, Impact, Opportunities and Challenge. NES Ratnam College, Mumbai.
- Presented a paper on "New Forms of employment and challenges for social security extension" at University of Mumbai.
- Presented a paper on "Unleashing Rural Entrepreneurship: Remedy to tackle Rural Unemployment" at peer reviewed journal Indian Economy International Research Volume (2012) published by Aadhar Social Research and Development Training Institute, Amravati (ISBN 978-93-82588-01-6).
Prof. Dr. Rinkoo Shantnu
- Presented a paper on "Impact of NREGA on the livelihood of rural poor with reference to selected states" at National Conference on Emerging Market Economies, organised by Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai.
- Presented a paper on "Green Economy: A move towards Sustainable Development" at National Seminar on "Economic Development and Environmental Issues" at Mahatma Phule A. S. C. College, Panvel.
- Presented a paper on "Leading Innovations in Affordable Healthcare – The Road Ahead" at UGC sponsored National Level Seminar on "Economic Reforms in all sectors" at K. M. Agrawal College, Kalyan.
- Presented a paper on "Globalizing Ayurveda: Challenges and Opportunities" at International Commerce and Management Conference organised by University Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai on "Re-inventing Trade, Commerce and Management in Global Scenario; Challenges and Opportunities".
- Submitted a paper on "Rising Urban India: Issues and impact" for International Research Volume, Aadhar Publication.
- Presented a paper on "ICT Initiatives in Indian Agriculture for Rural Development" at International Conference on Information and Communication for Development-Reach, Impact, Opportunities and Challenge. NES Ratnam College, Mumbai.
- Participated and presented a paper on topic "Strategic Management and Innovations in Health Care" in International Commerce and Management Conference on "Strategic Management in Global Scenario; Challenges and Opportunities" organized by Commerce Department, Mumbai University.
Prof. Seema Somani
- Presented a paper on "Challenges of Higher Education in 21st Century" at International Conference on "Management Wisdom for the 21st Century".
- Presented a paper on "FDI in Retail in India: PROS and CONS" at 65th All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association K.P.B. Hinduja College of Commerce, Mumbai.
- Presented a paper on "Industry - Academia - Government Convergence with Reference to Commerce Education" at Institute for Future Education, Entrepreneurship and Leadership (iFEEL) Lonavala, Pune.
- Presented a paper on "Reinventing Commerce Education in 21st Century" at International Commerce and Management Conference on "Reinventing Trade, Commerce and Management in Global scenario; Challenges and Opportunities".
- Presented a paper at One day International Conference on Case study - "Recent Trends in Commerce and Management" organized by All India Social Science Research Association in Association with the National Kannada Education Society's, Mumbai, Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Wadala.
- Presented a paper at One day National Conference on "Micro Finance and Women's Self Help Groups" on the topic "Women Empowerment through SHG's in UP with reference to Rajiv Gandhi Mahilavikas Pariyojana (RGMVP)" organized by Department of Commerce PGSR, SNDT Women's University, Churchgate, Mumbai.
- Presented a paper at One day National Conference on "Grameen Envisioning Growth of Real India" on the topic "Foreign Universities Bill: Will it bring a revolution in Higher Education?" organized by the Department of Management, KCES's College of Engineering and I.T., Jalgaon, Maharashtra.
- Presented a paper at International Commerce and Management Conference on "Strategic Management in Global Scenario; Challenges and Opportunities" on the topic "Implications of Foreign Bill" organized by Commerce Department, university of Mumbai.
- Published a paper in Environmental Degradation Issues and Challenges on the topic "Economic growth and Degradation of Environment : Need for paradigm shift in priorities" in Global Research Publications, New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-89630-47-8)
- Published a paper in book "Reflections in Commerce and Management by AISSRA" on the topic "Management Problems – A case study" published by Excel India Publishers, New Delhi. (ISBN 978-93-81361-30-6)
- Published a paper in book New Horizons in Social Science Research by AISSRA on the topic "FDI in Higher Education in India: Pros and Cons" published by Excel India Publishers, New Delhi(ISBN 978-93-81361-01-6)
Prof. Shabab Rizvi
- Presented a paper on "FDI in Economic Development of India: Sectoral Analysis" at National seminar on Economic Development and environmental issues by A.S.C College.
- Participated and presented a paper on topic "Mobile Banking - Challenges and Opportunities" in International Commerce and Management Conference on "Strategic Management in Global Scenario; Challenges and Opportunities" organized by Commerce Department, Mumbai University.
Prof. Bhavana Parab
- Presented a paper on "Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's Thoughts of Politics" at Aadhar Publication.
- Presented a paper on "Women and Sports" at Aadhar Publication.
- Submitted a Research Paper on "Women's and Sports" in "Interdisciplinary International Research Volume of Women Empowerment" at Aadhar Social Research and Development Institute and Aadhar Publications, Amravati.
Prof. Prerna Sharma
- Presented a paper on "A Study on Buying Behavior of Customers in Hypercity" at PJERT – ISSN NO. 2249 – 4267.
- Submitted a paper on "A Study on Consumer Behaviour of LUX SOAP" for ISBN Book to ASSIRA" at SVIMS Journal ISSN NO 2249-345X.
- Presented a paper on "Savitribai Jotirao Phule - Salute to the First Women Teacher" at Aadhar Publication ISSN No 2287 - 9308.
- Presented a paper on "A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards NIKE" at PiMSR – ISSN No. 0976 – 5441
- Presented a paper on "Emerging Challenges and Global Recession in Human Resource Management in India" at Mahatma Phule A.S.C. College, Panvel.
- Presented a paper on "Challenges in HRM" at National Conference of All India Commerce Association at Hinduja College.
- Presented a paper on "Human Resource Management in Retailing" at PiMSR
- Presented a paper on "Savitribai Jotirao Phule - Salute to the First Women Teacher" at Aadhar Publication.
- Presented a paper on "Impact of FDI in Retailing" at University of Mumbai, Commerce Department
- Submitted an article on "Women Entrepreneurs" and was published in Pillai's Journal of Educational Research and Technology (PJERT ISSN 2249-4367 vol. 2).
- Submitted an article on "Motivation of Employees" and was published in ASSIRA ISBN Journal.
- Published a research paper in Pillai Institute of Management and Research on the topic "Tupperware: Mark of Quality" paper published in Aadhar Publications.
- Presented a research paper at International Conference on "Strategic Management organized by Commerce Department, University of Mumbai."
Prof. Nithya Varghese
- Presented a paper on "Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar – The Law Maker" at Aadhar Publication.
- Presented a paper on "A study on employer branding "How to attract Indian talent?" at International Seminar at Hinduja College.
- Presented a paper on "A study on CSR measures and indicators with special reference to Indian Industries" at PiMSR (presentation).
- Presented a research paper at International Conference on Strategic Management organized by Commerce Department, University of Mumbai.
Prof. Kiran Sable
- Presented a paper on "To Study Problems and Challenges Faced by Hawkers with Special Reference to Navi Mumbai Region" at International Conference, Mumbai University.
- Presented a paper on "A Stdy of Mutual Fund Industry with Special Reference to Prospects and Problems for Investors as well as Advisors in Navi Mumbai Region" at PiMSR: ISSN 096765441.
Prof. Nisha Raphael
- Presented a paper on "Chit Funds – The Unpriced Socio Economic Translator of Kerala".
Prof. Kavita Baddi
- Presented a paper on "Gold as an Investment" at PiMSR.
- Presented a paper on "FDI in Multibrand Retail - A Comparative Study between India and China" at International Conference conducted by Mumbai University.
Prof. Sanjay Munnavalli
- Presented a paper on "Digital Library; Challenge and Issues for Information Management" at International Conference, PiMSR, Panvel.
- Presented a paper on "QR Code (Quick Response): A Catalyst for Promoting Library Service" at 58th ILA International Conference, Karnatak University, Dharwad.
Prof. Sunita Saini
- Submitted a research paper on "Indian Social Reformers and their Thoughts: Bal Gangadhar Tilak - Awakener of India" at Aadhar Social Reseach and Development Institute, Amravati - 2nd October, 2012. ISSN No: 2278 – 9308
- Participated in the National Seminar on "Global Recession : Challenges and Opportunities" organised by Department of Commerce, Mahatma Phule Arts, Science and Commerce College, Panvel and presented a research paper entitled "Global Recession: Challenges and Opportunities" on 5th January, 2013.
Prof. Vijay Vichare
- Published a paper on "A clinical case study on preliminary morphological with Multiple Hereditary Exostoses in a family", International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS): IJBPAS, August, 2012, 1(7): 991-1002, ISSN: 2277–4998.
- Published a paper on Karyotyping analysis of a Multiple Hereditary Exostoses affected proband, International Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2(2), 2012, pp 28-32, ISSN 2249 – 6467.
- Published a paper on Multiple Hereditary Exostoses – A Case Report. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Pharmacy and Applied Sciences (IJRRPAS), Vol.2, Issue.5, 2012, pp -, ISSN: 2249-1236. (25 Oct 2012).
- Published a paper on A Simple and Modified Protocol of DNA Isolation from Whole Blood Cells in a Multiple Hereditary Exostoses Affected Proband International Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry. (IJABB) Volume 2, Number 4 (2012) pp. 365-374, ISSN 2248-9886 (I.C.V. -1.2)
- Published a paper on Real Time PCR based diagnosis of P. Falciparam malaria using High Resolution Melting analysis, Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (JBB), Volume 3, Number 2, July December 2012 @ International Science Press (I.C.V. 2.4)
- Published a paper on Molecular Identification of Tinospora cordifolia by ITS2 sequence analysis, Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (JBB) Volume 3 Number 2, July December 2012 @ International Science Press (I.C.V. 2.4)
- Published a paper on Isolation and purification of Cephalosporins from Cheese whey, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, (RJPBCS) Volume 4, Issue 1, Page no- 1054, January March 2013.
- Presented an Oral talk on DNA Barcoding as a tool for Molecular Identification in Medicinal Plant Species at International Conference on 'Anthropogenic Impact on the Environment and Bioremediation' - (ICAIEB2012) 26th – 28th November, 2012 at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Presented an Oral talk on Molecular identification of Tinospora Cordifila by ITS2 sequence analysis at National Conference on Role of Biotechnology in conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants, 14th - 15th December, 2012, Department of Botany and Biotechnology, Institute of Science, 15, Madame Cama Road, Mumbai-32
- Presented a talk on Molecular identification of Tinospora Cordifila by ITS2 sequence analysis at International Conference on Advances in free radicals, redox signaling and Translational antioxidant research and 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research organized by CSIR - IITR, Lucknow, India 30th January - 1st February, 2013.
- Presented a talk on India a potential reservoir for medicinal plants in field of health and diseases at International conference on Free radicals and research (ICFRD 2013), 3rd February, 2013, organized by Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Dr. Ambedkar College, Deeksha Bhoomi, Nagpur - 440 010.
Prof. Dr. K. M. Srinandhini Devi
- Presented a Poster at a One day Research Meet in Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology and Phytochemicals organized by GN Khalsa College, Mumbai and Konark Group on 11th December, 2012.
- Presented a Poster in Inter-collegiate Avishkar held by University of Mumbai, awarded first prize and selected to represent University of Mumbai at the Inter-University AVISHKAR Research festival in Agriculture Category.
- Presented an Oral Presentation titled "Isolation, identification and characterization of keratinolytic chicken feather degrading bacteria", at UGC sponsored 2nd National Symposium on "Modern Research Trends and Applications in Life Sciences" held by Elphinstone College, Mumbai, 9th February, 2013.
- Presented a research paper on "Biochemical Plant Responses to Ozone" at National Conference organized by Department of Life Sciences at K.C. College, Mumbai.
Prof. Meenakshi Johri
- Presented a Poster at a One day Research Meet in Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology and Phytochemicals organized by GN Khalsa College, Mumbai and Konark Group on 11th December, 2012.
Prof. Binoj Kutty
- Presented a Poster at a One day Research Meet in Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology and Phytochemicals organized by GN Khalsa College, Mumbai and Konark Group on 11th December, 2012, Titled: "Converting public urinals to power plant using microbial fuel cells".
- Presented a Poster at UGC sponsored second National Symposium on "Modern Research Trends and Applications in Life Sciences" held by Elphinstone College, Mumbai, 9th February, 2013.
- Presented a poster on Structure of Micelles in Re-entrant Phase of SDS/Al(NO3)3 Solutions at IIT-Bombay on 3rd – 7th December, 2012 Proceedings publication in American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings AIP Conf. Proc. 1512, 118 (2013).
- Presented a poster on SANS Study of Flocculation of Charged Micelles in SDS/Al(NO3)3 Solutions, at International Symposium on Neutron Scattering (ISNS-2013) held at BARC, Mumbai (14th - 17th January, 2013).
- Participated in Avishkar 2011-12 an inter-collegiate research festival, conducted by University of Mumbai and presented his research work on "Anticancer Activities of Spices." His work was selected to represent the University of Mumbai in inter University Avishkar Competition held at Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Prof. Ruchikka Bassi
- Submitted a research paper on Indian Social Reformers and their Thoughts: Bal Gangadhar Tilak - Awakener of India at Aadhar Social Research and Development Institute, Amravati - 2nd October, 2012. ISSN No: 2278 - 9308.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Global Recession: Challenges and Opportunities organised by Department of Commerce, Mahatma Phule Arts, Science and Commerce College, Panvel and presented a research paper entitled Global Recession: Challenges and Opportunities on 5th January, 2013.
Prof. Farhat Shaikh
- Presented a paper in the National Level on the topic "Cultivating Awareness of rights and duties among urban poor consumers", at a National Seminar on Empowering Urban Poor Consumers, organized by Dept. of Commerce, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai on 30th March, 2009.
- Presented a paper in the International Level on the topic "An Analysis of IT Trends Challenges and Opportunities in India", in an International Commerce and Management Conference on Re-inventing Trade, Commerce and Management in Global Scenario: Challenges and Opportunities, organized by Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai on 10th - 11th January, 2013.
- Published a paper in a Journal on the topic "Women and Sports", in Women Empowerment, Aadhar Publications, Amravati, Volume 1, Page No. 198, ISBN No: 978-81-922414-7-0 on 9th April, 2012, organized by Aadhar Publications and Aadhar Social Research and Development Training Institute, Amravati, MS.
- Published a paper in a Journal on the topic "Global Recession: Impact, Challenges and Opportunities", in International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management (IJRCM) Monthly peer reviewed Open access International e-Journal, Volume No. 3 (2012), Issue No. 02 (February), ISSN 2231-5756.
- Published a paper in a Journal on the topic "E-Learning Trends Issues and Challenges", in International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Research (IJECR), Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2013, ISSN No-2250-0006.
Prof. Mmahek Chhabria
- Submitted an article on "Women Empowerment" and was published in Pillai's Journal of Educational Research and Technology (PJERT ISSN 2249-4367 vol. 2).
- Submitted an article on "Spurious Products" and was published in ASSIRA ISBN Journal.
Prof. Anu Pillai
- Presented a research paper at International Conference on Strategic Management organized by Commerce Department, University of Mumbai.
Prof. Abida Khan
- Participated and Presented a research paper on "Human Resource Management in Logistics Firms in Navi Mumbai at International Conference" on strategies and Management conducted jointly by University of Mumbai and Mahatma Education Society's Pillai's campus.
Prof. Jennie Prajith
- Invited as Guest lecturer in SIES College for providing Guidance lecture in the subject of "Foreign Exchange Market".
Prof. Gopakumar Pillai
- Presented a Research paper on ‘Isolation, characterization and assessment of Azotobacterspp in enhancing growth of maize plants in metal contaminated soil – A step towards sustainable agriculture.’ in the International Conference on ‘Science, Sustainability and Society in the current Scenario: Challenges and Opportunities’ organized by Vikas College of Arts, Science and Commerce in association with Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists, Hyderabad and Naushad Ali Sarovar Samvardhini, Mumbai held on 20th February, 2016 at Vikas College, Vikhroli.
Prof. Ashwini Thakur
- Presented an article on "Technology and its Applications" which was published in Pillai's Journal of Educational Research and Technology (PJERT).
Prof. Meenakshi Srivastava
- Published a research paper on "Amylase Activity of Micrococcus roseus isolated from Mangrove Rhizosphere Soil" Vol (4) January-June, 2011 in Bionano Frontier.
Prof. Gajanan Wader
- Invited in Barns College of Arts, Science and Commerce, New Panvel to deliver a Guidance Lecture on Revised University Paper Pattern Accountancy and Taxation.
- Awarded the Best Research Paper award for the research paper on "Study of Financial and Accounting System of Co-operative Housing Societies in Navi Mumbai" at UGC sponsored National Seminar on Trends and Challenges in the Teaching, Learning and research in the Field of Accounting organized by Changu Kana Thakur College, New Panvel.
- Participated in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Trends and Challenges in the Teaching, Learning and research in the Field of Accounting organized by Changu Kana Thakur College, New Panvel and presented a paper on "Study of Financial and Accounting System of Co-operative Housing Societies in Navi Mumbai."
- Presented a paper on "Strategic Management of Financial and Accounting System of Co-operative Housing Societies- Challenges and Opportunities" in the International Commerce and Management Conferences on Strategic Management in Global Scenario, Challenges and Opportunities organized by University Department of Commerce.
- Presented and published a paper on "Study of impact of US Financial Recession on Indian economy" in KSKW College, CIDCO College, Nashik.
- Presented and published a paper on "Study of recent trends in Life Insurance business in Navi Mumbai" in BMCC College, Pune.