Program Overview

About The Department

The Department made a modest beginning in 2004 with the commencement of B.Sc. (Biotechnology) course and the M.Sc. Biotechnology course commenced from 2008. The Department currently caters 210 students in the Under Graduate section (2 Divisions in each class) and 70 students in post graduation.

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The Department has two aesthetically built, well equipped laboratories (Laboratory – I and II) for the smooth performance of practicals of Under Graduate students. For the M.Sc. programme, the department has provision for separate Post Graduate laboratory (Laboratory – III). The laboratory has separate air-conditioned rooms provided for animal and plant tissue culture experiments. Modern equipments for these facilities are provided in the tissue culture laboratories. For the common use of undergraduate and postgraduate students an air-conditioned, well equipped instrumentation room is available. Within the undergraduate laboratory (Laboratory II) we have a preparation room with provision for sterilization of media and glass wares.

Laboratory I

Laboratory II

Laboratory III

The classrooms are equipped with audio-visual aids so the teachers can adopt integrated teaching process for better comprehension and retention. The Department also has a Departmental library where reputed International and National editions of books are made available to the teachers and the students.

Co-curricular /Extra Curricular Activities:

The Department of Biotechnology focuses on the overall development of the students which is achieved by organizing various extra curricular activities. The students manage the Biotechnology Association which aims in creating their own learning experiences and innovations. The department conducts Intercollegiate Science Exhibition “Vistas in Biotechnology” every year since 2007. The purpose of this exhibition is to develop scientific attitude in the young generation and providing exploratory experiences, encouraging creative thinking. In addition to this from 2013 onwards the department also conducts Intercollegiate Biotechnology Fest “Consortia” – Transforming minds and translating ideas. This gives a platform to students of Biotechnology to exchange their ideas and showcase their magnificent talents and skills.

The department also organizes seminars and conferences regularly. We also arrange Guest lectures for UG and PG students by eminent personalities from Research institutes and Industries. Three certificate courses namely Plant Tissue Culture and Bioinformatics, Environmental Management and Food Technology are conducted to enhance industrial relevant skills. The department has formed the environment analysis and conservation team (EnACT) in 2014-15 to create environmental awareness amongst students and to contribute towards environment preservation.

The Student and Teacher Exchange Programmes have been initiated where the students get the opportunity to understand the different teaching environment. We encourage our UG and PG students to take part in “Avishkar” intercollegiate research convention, organized by University of Mumbai. The teachers guide them to complete their projects. Industrial visits are organized every year. Our students and teachers are motivated to participate in various seminars, workshops, conference etc. to keep enhancing their knowledge.

The teachers are also actively involved in research. Many teachers have received the Minor research grant from University of Mumbai and UGC in the past few years. They have also published many research papers with the students.


Training students and developing expertise in Biotechnology to be methodical and systematic to pursue laboratory experiments with utmost care and purpose.

Impart strong theoretical background in the fundamental concepts of Biological fields.

Train and expose students to modern tools of Biotechnology research.


missionTo impart quality education for life long professional growth and opportunity in a wide range of Careers.

To create awareness towards socio-ethical implications of potentials of Biotechnology.

B.Sc. B.T. Curriculum

F.Y. B.Sc. B.T.Sem I & II
S.Y. B.Sc. B.T.Sem III & IV
T.Y. B.Sc. B.T.Sem V & VI