Pillai College of Arts, Commerce & Science (Autonomous) organized an Education Fair (Career Counselling Programme) on 10th December, 2022 to help high school students to make an informed decision regarding selection of career path after 10th / 12th. It saw enthusiastic participation from various Schools and Junior Colleges. More than 600 students and Parents visited the Education Fair. Career counselors, Educational Panelists, Workshops and Educational Activities gave a good understanding of the numerous options students have today for Higher Education.
Department of B.Com. Accounting and Finance organized Career Guidance Seminar in association with Higher Education Forum (HEF) on 12th October, 2018 for T.Y.B.Com. Accounting and Finance students. Dr. Abida Khan welcomed Dr. A. K. Sen Gupta, Founder and Convener, Higher Education Forum (HEF). Dr. A. K. Sen Gupta sir enlightened students on four principles such as Determine Strengths and Weaknesses, Set objective for Greater Results, Discards confusion and Get to know the availabilities which help the students feel more responsible and acts as an effective part of the decision-making process. The discussion was continued by Prof. Harish Aiyer and Ms. Aparna Ramchandra, members of Higher Education Forum. They guided students on various concepts of management which can be practically applied while selecting the career. The seminar was attended by 100 students of T.Y.B.Com. Accounting & Finance and concluded with answering of queries raised by students.
The Placement Cell of the college had organized a ‘Career Guidance Session’ for the third year students of B.Sc. I.T., B.Sc. C.S., B.Sc. Biotechnology, B.Com., B.M.S., B.Com.F.M., B.M.M. and B.Com.A&F. It was conducted in the Auditorium on 14th July, 2018, Saturday.
The event was inaugurated by the Head of the Placement Cell, Mrs. Padmaja Ganti. Followed by Ms. Tanvi Vadke, member of the Placement Cell, who guided the students all the rules and regulations related to placement. Over 400 students were part of this session.
The event was bestowed by the presence of the alumni of the college, who are now well placed in renowned software companies. They guided and shared their work experience with the third year students who attended the seminar. The alumni that were invited for the event were: Mr. Akshay Desai, Project Manager at Lion Bridge, Mr. Bishal Bose, Test Engineer at Infosys, Mr. Sitaram Pednekar, MS.SQL DBA at Clover Infotech, Mr. Nainarnatrajan Konar, Senior Software Engineer at Golden Source International.
The topics that were covered in the seminar were, ‘Whether to opt for post graduation or not?’, ‘How to select desired company?’, ‘How to select the correct career path?’, ‘How to face the campus interview?’, ‘The different categories of job opportunities in the IT industry’ and ‘Do’s and don’ts for a technical interview’.
The seminar will be helpful for the students to make a career decision, also in their further studies and job opportunities in the future.
Placement Cell organized a Seminar Session for T.Y. [B.Sc.I.T., B.Sc.C.S., B.Sc. Biotech, B.Com, B.M.S., B.Com.F.M., B.M.M. and B.Com.A/F] students on 5th July, 2018 (Thursday) in 7th floor Auditorium.
Resource Person: Mr. Vinay Raikar (Head, Campus Credential)
Event Name: Campus Credential Recruitment Training Program
Purpose of the Event: Placement Training and guidance for all Third year Commerce and Science students.
Topics Covered:
- Resume Writing
- Preparation for Aptitude Test
- Session on Personal Interviews and Group Discussions