The Literary Association of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science conducted a debate competition on 27th January, 2020 for the students of PCACS. The Judge for the event was Ms. Gurpreet Kaur Khalsa. Around 12 pairs of students had taken part in the competition. There were two teams formed, one ‘FOR’ and other ‘AGAINST’. Every ‘For’ candidate from a pair was the part of the main ‘FOR’ team and same in the case of ‘AGAINST’. An intriguing topic “Sanitary Napkins should be sold without covers” was selected. Each candidate had his / her own special way of putting forth the points and views on the topic selected. Two best speakers were selected, one each from the ‘For’ Side and ‘Against’ Side and the best speaker from over all participants was selected. The event ended in good terms with the teachers and students both learning something new and fun from the event.
Biotechnology Association of Pillai College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized Gender Sensitization Awarenesses for the Students of Biotechnology on 21st December, 2019 in the Auditorium of Pillai College.
The Program was conducted by The Jimmy Foundation. The foundation is basically an organization that works at ensuring a life free of prejudice and abuse for everybody, irrespective of caste, religion, region or species. The event was lead by a motivational speaker and gender, sexuality trainer named Harish Iyer who is also the founder of the organization. He made the students aware regarding notions of sexism and how we need to be sensitized towards our fellow genders. He fathomed us about how we need not be pressurized under the stereotypical beliefs of the society and introduced us to engaging terminologies like being Gender Fluid, Cis-gender, Gender queer, how being gender neutral and respecting each and every gender is crucial to live a virtuous life.
Other guests of honour included Mr. Rakesh Sharma (Founder of Lilac Insights Pvt. Ltd.), Ms. Riya Sharma and Trupati Inamdar (Scientific support executive – Lilac Insights Pvt. Ltd).
Mr. Rakesh Sharma and Ms. Riya Sharma shared their life experience and struggles and motivated and guided students to overcome such challenges.
A skit competition under the theme of Gender equality was also conducted for the students. The competition was judged by Mr. Harish Iyer and Ms. Trupati Inamdar. Winning team was awarded with cash prize and certificates. Participation certificates were given to all the participants.
The workshop was highly enlightening and intellectually stimulating for the students of our college.
Biotechnology Association of Pillai College of Arts, Science and Commerce conducted a singing competition on Friday, 27th September, 2019 in the Auditorium. About 12 participants took part in the competition where 9 were solo participants and 3 were in group. The Judge for the event was Mrs. Pushbam Shivkumar who is trained in carnatic music and also performs in stages shows.
The event began at 10:30 with a welcome address followed by an introduction of the competition by Mrs. Meenakshi Johri, In-charge of Biotechnology Association. Participants were given 5 mins and were allowed to sing in any language. Participants sang various songs of different genre ranging from classical to rock and made the whole atmosphere melodious. The audeinece were enthralled by each of the performance.
After all performance, even the teachers showed their hidden talents and amazed the kids. There were two solo prizes which was won by Sharanya Nair, MSc-1 student and Chrismon Shaji, FY.Bsc student. The group prize was won by Faiza and Group from S. Y. B.Sc.
The event ended with vote of thanks given by Mrs. Suparna Deepak, coordinator of BSc. People enjoyed and left for the day with amazing memories.
Literary Association of PCACS celebrated its first event of 2019-20 – ‘Battle of Wits – Block and Tackle’ on 18th September, 2019. Block and Tackle is a stand-out event from the conventional form of Debate where the contestants have to Block (Talk in against of the topic given) and Tackle (Talk in favor of the topic given). Prof. Akshata Narkar and Prof. Juliet Esther, Literary Association Teacher In-Charge judged the event.
It was first event of this academic year and yet we received an amazing feedback from the participants and that defines the main aim of Literary Association. After the participants enrolled themselves they were given some topics which are timely and relevant in our Country and hold crucial importance. After 5 minutes of preparations the participants were asked to speak for and against on the given topic. The game was all about the quick use of wit and presence of mind and the contestants truly did an amazing job.
All the contestants really gave a tough time to the judges to decide the winner but after a lot of deliberation the winners were announced. Felicitation was done by the Judges and the event ended on a happy note.
Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Marathi Vangamaya Mandal had organized “MY MARATHI Competition” on 14th September, 2019. The purpose of this competition was to increase their knowledge of Marathi language and inculcate the habit of using Marathi language in their day to day conversation. There were three rounds in the competition namely English to Marathi, Question Answer round, Tongue Twister. Total 16 students participated in the same event. Certificates were awarded to the winners & runners-up participants. The event was successfully conducted. Students found it very interesting and helpful.

Women Development Cell organized a “Poster Making Competition” on the theme “Health Deficiencies in Women in India”. The posters were displayed in Old Canteen Area on 30th July, 2019 and results were announced. The winners were Ms. Mehta Avishi (I), Ms. Krutika Vaibhav Samel (II), Mr. Mishra Shreyanshu Umakant (III), Ms. Yadav Pooja Dinesh (Consolation), Ms. Mhatre Prachi Naresh (Consolation). The winners were given trophies and certificates.
Biotechnology Association in association with Department of Biotechnology organized a poster making competition – “Vistas in Biotechnology” on 9th March 2019, Saturday. Students from F.Y., S.Y. and M.Sc. – I participated in the event. The event began by 10 am and the judge for the event was Mr. Abhilash Das, Field Application Specialist – Biopharma, Spinco Biotech Pvt. Ltd. He is an alumnus of the department of Biotechnology. Posters on diverse topics were put up and students were given 7 minutes to explain their topic and three minutes to answer questions put forth by the judge.
Posters presented were on:
- Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Plastic vs Bio-plastic
- Genetically Modified Organisms
- Crispr Technology
- Enzymes in Food Biotechnology
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Biolumine Scence
- Waste Management
- Enzyme-substrate Interactions
- How’s the Health!
- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- Anti-cancerous Properties of Carrot & Beetroot
The posters were judged and the results were announced soon. The first prize was awarded to Tanushri Rakshaskar and Rakshita Shetty from M. Sc. Part 1 for their poster “Anti-cancerous properties of carrot & beetroot” and the second prize was awarded to the Akhila Nair and Aditi Raju from F.Y. B.Sc. for their poster “Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome”. Both the winners were given a cash prize and a certificate. Mr. Abhilash gave personal comments and suggestions to all the participants to improve their poster making skills. The event was a great success and students got an opportunity to learn many new things.
Economics Association organized a ‘Free Eye Check-up for Students & Staff’ in association with ‘Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute’. It was organized on 29th January, 2019 in the Old Canteen area. Total 140 students and 21 staff members were benefited from the eye check-up camp. Highly qualified doctors used best quality equipments to conduct the eye check-up. The camp was volunteered by student members of Economic Association.
On the same day, a ‘Poster Making Competition’ on the theme ‘Eye Donation’ was organized by the members of Economic Association. The motto of conducting it was to create awareness about eye donation. The handmade posters were displayed in the Old Canteen Area of the campus.
Women Development Cell of our College had organised a Competition on “Awareness on Legal Rights of Women” following the guidelines issued by National Commission for Women, Government of India on Wednesday, 19th December, 2018. 215 students participated in the competition. Ms. Zaineb Petiwala from T.Y.B.Com. won the first prize securing 83.75%, Ms. Vrinda Madhusoodanan of S.Y.B.Com. Accounting & Finance won the second prize securing 78.75%.
Ms. Somya Thakur and Ms. Neha Shambhu Jha of S.Y.B.Com. Accounting & Finance and Ms. Neha V. Ambre of T.Y.B.Com. won the third prize securing 75%.
The big day arrived again on 17th December 2018, Querenciaa, with the theme of T.V. shows. For most of us it felt like coming home again. The sun came up with new hopes and positive vibes with all the events lined up, eager participants, all the props decked up and everyone dressed up in the beloved Querenciaa T-shirt.
The event started with the lighting of a lamp. An auspicious beginning to the fest with prayers and blessings.
The first event was Spotlight, The Personality show. Participants were expected to go through three rounds. The walk introduction, The talent and the questionnaire round. The participants were dressed up as their favourite T.V. show characters and the judge them, we had the very talented Neeraj Yadav and Riya Rathod. The event started with a bang, a cut to cut competition, amazing talents and witty answers. Everyone was fascinated with the event.
Next up was Mic Drop. An open mic event, judged by none other than Ankit Bedi. The Participants were allowed to speak, sing, rap or beatbox their hearts out. This event was the most enjoyable. With heart touching to poetry to laughter that gave you a stomach ache, to awesome beat boxing and crazy rapping. Everyone was having a time of their lives. Ankit Bedi especially had a great time with us at Querenciaa.
The events so far were great hits and were followed by non-staged events. The first one being ‘Shutters Up’. The photography event where students were given a limited time to click images according to the theme given. One could see participants eagerly rushing everywhere to get the pictures. While others were having fun at ‘Heads up’ A dumb charades event with a twist. The day ended with a Painting competition and really happy members a celebratory dance.
18th December 2018, dawned with mixed emotions. Happiness, eagerness, determination and a tinge of sadness for it as second and the last day of Querenicaa.
Hence it was made sure that the day was to be made better than ever.
The day started with a PUBG Competition and a Treasure Hunt. The participants were never happier. While some ran around the college searching for clues and hints and shouting and screaming. The others furiously tapped on their phones to get the ‘Chicken Dinner’. It was definitely a sight.
These events were followed by the writing event called ‘Twist in the Tale’ where the participants had to write a short story of their own which should include the twist that was given on the spot. It was lovely to see the participants write their hearts out on paper. It was creativity so beautifully carved on paper.
The event was followed by an outstanding dance competition ‘Move your Lakk’. The judges for the event were a Guinness Record Holder and an amazing dancer, Aishwarya Pewal and the very loved Ashutosh Pradhan. The event showed much enthusiasm, mind boggling dances and unbelievable move. It was a treat to watch completely.
The last event for the day was Panache and what a show it was. Judged by the beautiful Vaishnavi Kamble, the event showcased so many themes blended with the grace of a ramp walk. The costumes had everyone dropping their jaws and no one could differentiate between the participants and the professionals. The event was sparkling with life and light and hoots and cheers.
And as the event ended, so did Querenciaa. The end of the day witnessed joy and tears, it witnessed new promises and satisfaction of work, it witnessed hugs and fist pumps and with another celebratory dance and the vote of thanks. It was a goodbye to Querenciaa, with a belief that the next year was set to be better.