The Finanza Association of B.Com. Accounting and Finance had organised a Visit to Dalal Street to participate in the Lit Fest organised by the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The fest was a two day event in which various dignitaries from different backgrounds addressed the audience with their views. The event started with beautiful performance of flute and then the motivating speech of Gaur Gopal Das gave everyone a light on way of living one’s life. Then there was a discussion on Rain water harvesting and conservation by Sir Samuel, founder of Indus Waters Treatment Plant.
Other than formal activities, there were stalls of various items such as Live Ice-cream Shop, Live earthen pot making, stalls of tea and coffee, etc. to give people a real hand experience of how things are made. Overall, the event was a success and attending it proved to be good for all.
The FINANZA Association of B.Com. (Accounting and Finance) of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science conducted One Day Intra Departmental Quiz Competition on Friday 30th November, 2019. The competition got more 25 entries of B.Com.A&F students of all the years i.e. First Year, Second Year and Third Year. The quiz was conducted in 3 rounds where the knowledge of the participants was tested based on their knowledge in general sense, general awareness, politics, sports and finance. The event took place under the guidance of Prof. Sunita Saini and Prof. Chaitanya Athalye. The quiz competition ended at 1:30 p.m. and the three winners, Hriday Arora from S.Y. B.Com.A&F A (First), Abizer Kachwala from S.Y. B.Com.A&F A (Second) and Shubham Naik from F.Y. B.Com.A&F A (Third) were finally decided at the end of the third round and were felicitated by the principal Dr. Gajanan Wader. The participants enjoyed the quiz and gave a positive feedback.
The FINANZA Association of B.Com. (Accounting and Finance) of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science conducted One Day Intra Collegiate Festival Finacle 2019 on Thursday 1st August, 2019. The Committee was enthusiastic and happy for getting more than 70 participants from the college itself from various streams like B.Com.A&F, B.Com., B.M.M. and B.M.S. The participation of students of first year of all these classes was overwhelming. The inauguration was done by the head of the Department of B.Com. (Accounting and Finance) Dr. Abida Khan under the guidance of Prof. Sunita Saini and Prof. Chaitanya Athalye. The participants learned finance in a fun way through games such as Tally Ho-Jaa, Think Reverse, and Guess the price. The students also actively participated in Fun Games such as Fastest Mouth First, Whisper Music Challenge, Emoticon Dum Charades, Word Search and 4-Event Game wherein they learned co-ordination and Co-operation with enjoyment and fun. The winner of each game was given on the spot cash-prize and the winners of all the games and participants of Finance Games were facilitated with certificates as well.
The feedbacks of the participants were appreciating and they enjoyed the event and showed their interest to participate in the event next year as well. The event ended around 3:00 pm with Vote of Thanks by Prof. Sunita Saini.
The FINANZA Association of the B.Com. Department (Accounts and Finance) of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science conducted a One Day Inter Collegiate Festival on Friday, 24th August, 2018.
Students Participating in the Games Session
Newspaper Report on Finacle Festival in Rasayani Times
More than 100 Students from different Colleges Participated in the Festival. The Main Purpose of the Festival was to impart Values and Knowledge about Accountancy in more of a Fun way. The Event was inaugurated by Dr. Monali Ray, The Head of the Department (Accountancy) and Dr. Abida Khan, Head of the Department of B.Com. (Accounting and Finance) Under the Guidance of Prof. Sunita Saina and Prof. Chaitanya Athalye.
Many educational games were conducted such as Finacle Hunt, Tally Hoja and Intelligent Investor. Apart from these there were games such a Think and React, JAM (Just a Minute), Food Fight, Tug o' war, Double trouble and relay. It was a very Interactive Session with a lot of fun which made the students realise that a subject like Accountancy can also be studied in a fun way.
“Slide Knockdown” Power Point Presentation Competition organized by Finanza Association on 22nd August, 2017. Remya Revdas and Pooja Nair T.Y.B.Com.A/F students won first rank and Shivangi choudhari stood second in the competition. Winners were awarded with trophy and certificates. Participants were also awarded with certificates.
“Finanza” student association of Department of B.Com. Accounting & Finance organized Cleanliness Drive at Panvel Bus Depot on 8th August, 2017. A group of ten students and two staff members contributed towards this social cause by spreading awareness on cleanliness, hygiene to maintain through posters on different related themes.
On 28th September 2016, Department of B.Com. Accounting and Finance inaugurated Students’ oriented Association ‘Finanza’ – Exploring beyond the Balance Sheet. Mr. Akshay Parmar, Alumni of 2007 batch of BAF was the Chief Guest for the inauguration. He is the youngest Vice President of Rotary International. Finanza is a purely student oriented association, it would help the students to enthusiastically interact and share their ideas and eventually prove their talents though specific Events.